Have you ever decided one day “That’s it, I’m cutting my hair!” ? And once those words left your mouth you have launched a mission. You google “cute, sassy, sophisticated, awesome, young-looking, trendy, not to short, cuts.” And there you have it, 12345678910111212349585767 images of hair styles meant for you!  Now, your hair is just below your shoulders (work with me) and it’s virgin hair (now REALLY work with me) so you have never colored it.  It’s a flat “mousey” brown.  You have found your hair goal, within those 12345678910111212349585767 pictures, one was calling your name…it was all “Suzie, this is SO you girlfriend! Right here, righttttt here, pick meeee, PICK ME!” And it’s been 2.5 hours since you launched this mission so this hair style must be fate right? Now, you’re in phase 2 of your mission…your placing a frantic, pleading call to your hair salon. Your fingers are crossed as the receptionist is all “Everyday is Gorgeous at EG Salon..” and once she’s done, you are asking in a begging tone for the earliest appointment (PLEASE have something in the next 15 mins…It doesn’t matter that I live 30 mins away, I CAN GET THERE). You NEED your new cut yesterday, you are ready!

*“Interviewer: ‘So Frank, you have long hair. Does that make you a woman?’
Frank Zappa: ‘You have a wooden leg. Does that make you a table?” 
― Frank Zappa


So, accomplished. Here you are, sitting in your stylist’s chair with your pictures all printed out via google.  You are ready. Now remember, you have shoulder length, virgin “mousey” brown hair. “This is what I was thinking…” and you pass over a picture of Rihanna.  Your stylist gasps, but in a positive way. She is more thrilled than you! You are confident that she is going to transform your locks into the hottest, most sought after style for short hair. Yesss, Rihanna!

*“I think that the most important thing a woman can have- next to talent, of course- is her hairdresser.” 
― Joan Crawford

Ok, WAKE UP. I know that you were all caught up in that little scenario.  I was too 🙂 But, we gotta talk about getting you from Point A (what you currently are rocking for a hairstyle) to Point B (Hoping to be mistaken as Rihanna’s twin). As much as I LOVE the client that gets into my chair and says “I don’t care, do what you want.” What I (and most stylist’s) love even more is when YOU give me some sort of direction.  I love pictures. I love new styles. I love drastic. I LOVE MOTIVATION and when it’s tied into hair, it’s like birds are singing my name…it’s raining lollipops and little Leprechauns are riding unicorns! I LOVE taking someone from Point A to Point B!

*“If I want to knock a story off the front page, I just change my hairstyle.”
― Hillary Rodham Clinton

I feel like everyone in life needs to let go of their everyday hair norm at least once (preferably more) in life.  Live a little. Cut a lot. Dye often.  Doing something outside of your normal! “Just the dead ends, no layers, bangs straight across” cut is monotonous.  Something new, will change your routine.  It will spawn conversation (O.M.G, did YOU see Suzie’s hair??), it will change your all over style!  And how about adding some color to your life?? My mother (who doesn’t know what a “blog” is or how/where to find a “blog”,  especially this one..So, I’m safe to write about her 🙂 ) has been rocking the SAME hair color for 30 years.  Somewhere along the line (30 years ago) she went red and decided to NEVER go another color. Every time I attempted to darken or lighten her red, she would have a semi-stroke.  “Well, i don’t want it too dark, like DARK red.” Umm, okkk? How about lightening it? “Well, I don’t want it to look PINK…and I don’t want to look like a PENNY..” Ummm, ok, well then the same color it is! 😦 Finally, I just took the horse by the mane and said “Your hair looks redic. You have been wearing this color for so long, it’s wearing you. Today, we are going to switch this up. You are going…BROWN! A nice rich brown. And the front, I’m highlighting just a little for dimension. Cool?” I must have caught her while she was too deep in a “Food & Wine” article that she lives to read at the salon.  She didn’t peep and I RAN to the color bar to formulate!  2 hours later as I spun her around in my chair, she loved the color.  But what she loved more was the comments that were dished to her! Her hair was a hit, everyone noticed the red was gone! I’m still working on the cut, but that’s a whole other blog…
*“Red hair, sir, in my opinion, is dangerous.” 
― P.G. WodehouseVery Good, Jeeves!

Now, when you decide to make the cut and or color change for the good, make sure you do it with your stylist.  Because you decided to go Rihanna at 8AM today, your stylist very well might not be able to accommodate you in a moments notice! So, don’t decide to go to somewhere else.  Your hairstylist knows you and your hair best.  Most likely this isn’t your second visit. And, most stylists have taken plenty of classes to feel confident in cutting your tres and to warn you that you will NOT look EXACTLY like Rihanna…body, skin, hair etc.. The chances of you having Rihanna’s exact head shape are slim to none.  But, we can get you stunningly close 🙂

People notice hair. It’s your armour. It helps shape our personality.  Embrace it, and change your style as often as you change your seasonal clothes!

~As always, thanks for reading…and laughing!~


*“gray hair is gods graffiti” 
― Bill Cosby


I’m baaacccckkkkk! I know it’s been a while since my last blog..my apologies to all my fans! It’s been a busy summer and it left too abruptly. And then, the day I longed for…the MOST WONDERFUL day of the year..not Christmas…not my birthday…not the birthday’s of my beloved children…BUT THE FIRST DAY back to school fell upon us.  While I was waving a flag and jumping around the house yelling “Yayyyy!! It’s today!!” my kid definitely wasn’t drinking the same juice… Oh well, let’s get down to some serious business….it’s been awhile….

PINK*PINK*PINK*PINK*PINK*PINK*PINK…it’s all you are starting to see…it’s all you will see until the end of October. It’s not because manufactures out there know it’s your fav color.  It’s to support the lady next you in line at Target..she looks normal, but she battled breast cancer 2 years ago, and won.  It’s to heighten your awareness and rally for a cause.  It’s to help FUND finding a cure.  It’s so that women can band together and rally and support each other.  It’s MY favorite color, but it’s my favorite cause too.

• An estimated 207,090 new cases of invasive breast cancer are expected to occur among women in the U.S. during 2012. (1)

Comforting thought right? NOT.

In 2010 while watching The Grammy’s, Katy Perry appeared on the red carpet with pink and blue streaks in her hair.  Our phones went wild..and so did my salon owner’s brain! You have to know Ellie (The E in Everyday…) and Georgi (The G in Gorgeous).  They are two of the most creative, dedicated, reliable, selfless, awesome, smart, active people I have ever met.  Their personalities are intoxicating and they ambition and drive are relentless. They felt the need to give back to the community we live in, and for.  Ellie and Georgi have not only suffered with personal loss themselves due to BC, they have also watched their own clients and friends take on this battle as well.  So with the thought of Katy Perry’s pink hair extensions in mind and the upcoming month of October, Breast Cancer Awareness , Go PINK Project was born.  It took off like lighting and it’s become bigger and bigger with each passing year. We’ve made considerable donations to Middlesex Comprehensive Breast Center, but even more than that, we have touched lives.  We have brought people together who might not have anything more in common but this cause.  We have made an impact in the community.  We have shown teenagers that these pink streaks are more than a trend. We’ve educated clients and friends and most of all OURSELVES.

• One woman is diagnosed with breast cancer every three minutes, and one woman will die of breast cancer every 13 minutes in the U.S. (2)

Once the idea was in place, the rest is history.  There is an event, there are streaks, people from all over come.  We have adults, kids, teenagers, teams, men, teachers and high school boys who come in and walk out with PINK hair! If you have never heard of EG Salon before this, you have heard of us after you asked the person in front of you where or why they have that PINK streak.  The streaks are $20, all of this donation goes straight to Middlesex Comprehensive Breast Center in Middletown, CT.   With the donation from the PINK streaks and the T-Shirts that we sell, we are able to cosponsor a fashion show for women who are in remission, who have survived this disease.

• About 39,840 women in the U.S. are expected to die from breast cancer in 2012. (3)

Due to the overwhelming response of the last few years with PINK streaks, it has become increasingly harder to do all of them and still continue to service our clients.  Last year we held events after salon hours and on Sunday’s.  This year, Ellie and Georgi have contacted local salons and asked them to be part of this event.  United, we can all work together to get more of the community involved..we can do more streaks, we can raise more money, we can educate more people.

Although, we are still going to be doing actual streaks on your real hair, there are limited spots for this.  We suggest that you make your appointment soon as these spots will fill up.  In place of feather extensions (which are so last year 🙂 ) we are doing actual hair extensions.  They can be flat ironed, curled, blow dried..just like normal hair,and we will cut them to blend in with your current style.  I will paste the schedule below.  PLEASE, call, make an appointment, bring a friend, bring a group! We will gladly come on location to you for large groups. Each PINK streak, extension and shirt (for women, men and children) are $20 donation.  Last year we did over 400 PINK streaks.  We raised $12,000. This year with your help…we will far exceed that.

• There are about 2.5 million breast cancer survivors alive in the U.S. today. (4)

Pay it forward. Take on the cause. Support women. Let’s find a cure. Rally together. Stand united. Make a difference. Be heard.  WEAR PINK.

(*)All statistics posted are from http://www.komenpugetsound.org



See the picture above?? Sound familiar?? ABSOLUTELY, to all my stylist friends out there…boy can they relate!!  I LOVE when I get a new client in my chair.  Fresh blood…new ideas, new conversations and best of all, another mark made by me in the world!  Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE and am very thankful for my “ol’ faithfuls” (you girls KNOW who you are). I’ve been blessed with a truly great clientele, and most of my “peeps” allow me to make suggestions and offer true opinions that they take into consideration when it comes to their hair and overall look. 

What will always crack me up…no matter how long I stay within my beloved profession, are the people that come in and want me to preform a hair miracle but want to take no further ownership once they leave my chair. Once I bipitybopityboo your hair into a glamorous look, the buck doesn’t stop there…no pun intended.  When you tell me “I would love Drew Barrymore’s Ombre (the color job that is meant to look like grown out roots, with the bottom of the hair lighter than the top…yeep, people pay for that..) including that “beachy wave” look.” And I ask you how committed you are to achieving that hair style? I kinda need you to tell me the truth…the whole truth.  Because I can absolutely make you LOOK and BELIEVE you are Drew Barrymore upon leaving my salon, going out for dinner and drinks with the girls and home with that hot guy you picked up at Roof Top 120 (who really thinks you ARE Drew), but when you wake up the next morning and try to recreate Drew…well she won’t work with your Pantene shampoo and Garnier hairspray…


EG Salon is a Redken and Pureology Salon.  Those are the products we use in house and retail to our guests.  We (I) feel that they are the best in the industry.  The owners of EG (Ellie & Georgi) were born and raised on Redken.  Ellie is a former Redken educator.  Redken and Pureology are sisters. 2 amazing companies, partnered to bring the best of each world from my hands to your head.  Have you ever heard “You get what you pay for.”? It’s the truth.  When you commit to using professional products BOUGHT IN A SALON, the sky is the limit for your hair.  No joke.  Redken and Pureology are both prescriptive lines. What does that mean?? Let me tell you.

If you tell me that your hair is unruly and dry, I have 2 options for you and your budget.  You can go with Real Control by Redken, or you can go with Super Smooth by Pureology.  Real Control is a nourishing shampoo for dense, dry, sensitized hair. If you use this and it’s counter part conditioner for 3 weeks, the results will be amazing.  Honestly. Super Smooth by Pureology,  gently cleanses and tames unruly hair. It is 100% Vegan and Organic, and concentrated…which means a little goes a LONG way.  Do you know that most other professional hair product lines are not prescriptive? **I’m not bashing** but if you go to a Paul Mitchell Salon and tell them that your hair is dry and unruly, good luck.  See my 2nd blog and RUN from that Awapuhi (Crap-a-puhi) shampoo that drys your hair out further.  Many other product lines don’t have options.  It’s cut and dry..you need color safe shampoo, here it is..this one and this one only. And for the people who think that Pantene has a color safe or smoothing shampoo…CALL ME, we’ll have a class…when I show you the PH of that product, you’ll be crying!!

Back to looking like Drew…despite Drew claiming she uses Cover Girl makeup and Garnier hair color, she (obviously) doesn’t and I’m sure NEVER has.  But what Drew does use, is professional products.  That’s why her hair looks shiny. That’s why you don’t see any frizz, and that’s why when she walks the red carpet she looks better put together than your present on Christmas morning!

I once had a client tell me very proudly that she ONLY uses professional products.  She would never use anything but professional.  Impressed, I asked her what she was exactly using (thinking this is great!) She said “oh, I’m always switching it up, but this month I’m using Chi shampoo and conditioner and for hairspray I’m using Sexy Hair and for mouse I’m using Keratin-something, and for an oil, i’m using Maroccan Oil (**NOT A FAN, but i’ll save that for later**). I said..WOW, sounds great…where did you get all of these products? Her: Marshall’s. Me: longgggggggggggggggg pauseeeeeeeeeeee….REALLY? wow. I didn’t know they sell all of that.  Her: Oh yeah, but not faithfully…you have to take what you can get…and they don’t carry each product all the time…and there is always something new…

Sounds great.  NOT. #1…professional products sold at MARSHALL’s no longer qualify as professional.  Just like Coach bags and Louis Vuitton sold out of some guy’s van at the New Haven Flea Market don’t qualify as real.  There are knock off hand bags, and there are knock off hair products.  It’s a MILLION dollar industry friends, google it!  Now, sometimes what is sold as far as hair products in Marshall’s are authentic.  But, how long have they been on a shelf prior to getting to the department store is just one of the questions. Most what is sold in a department store has been discontinued or re-packaged.  So, what good does this do you? Find the product you like and now you can’t get it again?!  #2, You are self diagnosing your hair troubles and purchasing on what the bottle says, “color safe”, “anti frizz”. Because you are not a professional, you don’t even really know what you need or don’t need, and the dude stocking shelves in aisle 3 has no clue where he even is right now..so he’s no help!  #3, You don’t even know how to use the product.  You just saw “Anti Frizz” and said…yup, that’s me, that’s what this mane needs. You didn’t see that you are only suppose to use the “Anti Frizz” every other day.
#4, Chi is a flat iron that they sell in a kiosk at the mall, that’s how they got their industry “in.” Sexy Hair can be bought at WalMart and CVS and contains more alcohol than a Dirty Martini, and Moroccan Oil is tinted brown…good luck dumping that in your platinum hair..hope you were going for low lights! It’s been known to stain!! And, it’s all the rage now, but move over because Almond Oil is making it’s way up and will be all the rave by January.Then it’s all Moroccan who?…

If I prescribed Pureology Pure Volume shampoo to you and you felt that it wasn’t rinsing out good, or that it just wasn’t working, you would bring it back to me.  It wouldn’t matter if the bottle was half full or half empty.  You aren’t happy, no problem.  Let’s try something else.  Try bringing back the half used bottle of Chi to Marshall’s.  They aren’t taking it.  If the bottle says “100% Guarantee” well it’s null and void because it wasn’t purchased in a professional retail store. The guy in aisle 3 could careless that it weighs your hair down…Next customer please…

Are you sitting there saying “Well of course you want me to buy products from you at your salon because you make money off the sale…”?? Well, that’s partially true, I do make money off the sale.  But what I make in retail money, goes toward my EDUCATION.  So, when I’m not able to accommodate your partial foil next month because I’m in NYC for 2 days, I’m not touring the city…i’m taking classes.  I’m educating myself on what the new hot and trendy products are, how to use them, and who would be the best client to offer them too. Then, I can educate you.  I want your hair to look BETTER than Drew Barrymore’s!! I want you to feel the difference in your hair! I want you to be HAPPY with your style and look. And, honestly, that cannot be achieved with whatever the flavor of the month is at Marshall’s!! If you are going to throw your money away product testing things that you think might work,  then stop.  You will spend LESS money purchasing an authentic product with a 100% satisfaction guarantee in my salon where I can inform you on the best use of the product that fits your hair and beauty budget!

***This month, all REDKEN LITER Shampoo’s and Conditioner’s are 2 for $39.99*** Fabulous deal and should last you 6 months at least!!! Hurry down!!


Stay Gorgeous~




As I’m sitting here writing this, my husband walks by and says, “why are you blogging about basketball?” I’m like WHAT the hell are you talking about?? WTF would I be blogging about basketball?? Him: “Well, I saw HEAT so I figured the Miami Heat…” Me: The only thing I know about basketball is that Larry Bird plays for the Boston Celtics, or played..or owns…if he’s even still alive…and they wear green, and I like the color..”  Anyway, WHO CARES, this is about HAIR and I told you that, so thanks for not listening to ANYTHING I EVER SAY…but if I said SEX, you would hear that loud and clear from 400 miles away…

forget him…lets get down to business..business meaning hair…

I was at Target and I noticed a huge display dedicated to Awapuhi. There was the infamous shampoo and conditioner, body gel, body soap, lotion and hair detangler.  The display read “The HEAT IS ON! Hydrate your hair and skin.” All people have to read is “Hydrate or Protect” and no matter what the product is, it’s already in their hand. Then, you skim the back to see what’s in it (even though you can’t pronounce any of the words) and a few key words stand out so it’s in your cart and on it’s way home to sit in your bathroom or on your dresser. I know..I’ve been there and do it! And, let’s chat for a second about the packaging.  If the package is cool, pink or has polka-dots (my fav color) then I really don’t care if it works or not…pathetic, yes…and this is why I’m not rich!

So, I fell victim..I stood there and stared at this display with a lady next to me.  We exchanged words like “Ooo, look at this…ohhh and see that…” and of course we smelled all of the stuff, then passed it to each other…we were bff’s for like 4 mins, until I came to my senses.  I got all caught up in this Awapuhi over-the-counter product bonanza, that I forgot where I was and why I was there in the first place!  I was at Target to get a beach bag…not to be on the other side of the store smelling products and oooo and ahhh-ing. But while I was doing the mentioned above, I do remember thinking “I don’t know if I buy all this hub-bub…I don’t even know what the hell Awapuhi is or what it does.”

Welph, I’m home and I hop on google, and away I go!! Here’s what I found out about Awapuhi..you’re gonna LOVE THIS!!!

This plant originated in India, was distributed eastward through Polynesia and introduced to these islands in the canoes of early settlers. The leaves and leaf stalks, which are also fragrant, were used in baking in the imu, underground oven, to enhance the flavor of pork and fish as they cooked. Traditionally, the aromatic underground roots/rhizomes were sliced, dried and pounded to a powder, then added to the folds of stored kapa/tapa cloth. The spicy-smelling fresh roots were pounded and used as medicine for indigestion and other ailments. The roots can be stored in a cool, dark place to keep for use when needed. In traditional use, the root was ground in a stone mortar with a stone pestle, was mixed with a ripe nonifruit and then used to treat severe sprains. The pulp was placed in a cloth and loosely bound around the injured area. The dressing was changed daily until the sprain healed. The warmth of the afternoon sun could also be beneficial to the injured part.

For a toothache or a cavity, the cooked and softened `awapuhi root was pressed into the hollow and left for as long as was needed.

To ease a stomachache, the ground and strained root material is mixed with water and drunk. Similarly, `awapuhi pake (Zingiber officinale) is widely cultivated and eaten, or made into a tea for indigestion as well as increased circulation of the blood and an increased sense of well-being.


I don’t know about you, but I had to read that 3 times..and the part I love is:

The leaves and leaf stalks, which are also fragrant, were used in baking in the imu, underground oven, to enhance the flavor of pork and fish as they cooked.


I’m thinking…ummm, WHAT THE HELL DOES ANY OF THIS HAVE TO DO WITH HYDRATING MY HAIR AND SKIN?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Keep reading…

Finally, perhaps the most common use of `awapuhi kuahiwi is as a shampoo and conditioner for the hair. The clear slimy and sudsy juice present in the mature flower heads is excellent for softening and brings shine to the hair. It can be left in the hair or rinsed out, as you wish. Often we pick or cut the flowerheads of this plant in the forest, as we approach a pool or waterfall for a refreshing summer bath, leave the flowers atop a nearby rock, and then squeeze the sweet juices into our hair and over our bodies when our swim is completed. The sudsy juice is excellent for massage, too, either by the pool or at home.


Welllll, I’ll keep this in mind when I’m running through a forest! And, when I discover that beautiful waterfall where I see unicorns drinking from the water, I’ll remember to leave the flower near a rock and squeeze the slimy, sudsy crap into my hand and wash up..and then, maybe I can find a fairy and get a massage…. WHAT THE….??!! Are you still with me?

Okay, so I remember that I have some brand of Awapuhi Shampoo and Conditioner upstairs under the bathroom sink..I just don’t remember why I still have it. It’s been there awhile, I had to blow the dust off it.  I hop in the shower and put the products to use.  Now, you all know me..my hair is at best 4 inches long in some spots. I have to shampoo twice…it doesn’t lather the first go around.  After I rinse, my hair feels like steel wool.  No exaggeration. I put the conditioner in and rinse it out…my hair now feels like a hot mess. I get out and run the brush though it and it’s snarly. I HAVE NO HAIR TO BE SNARLY!! So, I go back to cyberspace to see what other people have to say..the comments are endless:

My hair is fine and just past my shoulders. I have to use at least a quarter size of shampoo to get a decent lather. Once I’ve rinsed, my hair feels like it’s been stripped of all the moisture. A quarter size of conditioner doesn’t even produce ANY lather. I feel like I’m putting lotion on my hair and it doesn’t get absorbed. When I rinse, my hair is very stiff and has begun to create knots.”

Well, there you have it!! I’m sitting here feeling my hair and it too feels stripped! I feel like it was clarified. I’m not a fan.


“Awapuhi is a scam, I used brand name Awapuhi products for 2 months despite how badly I felt it was stripping my hair. My friend told me  I needed more moisture in my hair and Awapuhi claims to add moisture.”

Everyone should understand and be informed, not everybody’s hair NEEDS moisture. If your hairdresser never told you your hair needs moisture, then it doesn’t! But thanks for your input..”friend”…


“BUYER BEWARE!* Awapuhi is not for every skin type! It is drying and made my chest and back break out. I feel like  a prepubescent boy!

This makes me want to cringe…

 No one should be clarifying their hair with over the counter (not purchased from a salon) products.  In my experience, ALL over the counter products reek nothing but havoc on your hair.  From “color safe” shampoo and conditioner to hair dye to hot oil treatments to styling products (gel, hairspray, mouse) they ALL contain high levels of alcohol that is damaging and obviously drying.  We see this walk through our doors on a weekly basis.  You are purchasing your products based on the label, packaging, and promise the product says it will deliver.  In most cases, you don’t need what you think you need! Seek the advice of your stylist…and buy professional products!! I’m not saying this because I work in a salon. We all know you get what you pay for. Professional products will enhance your hair. The companies and salons stand behind what they sell. The products carry a guarantee (in most cases). And, the best part..you won’t use half the amount of a professional product that you use in an over the counter product! Trust me!

Stop in and mention this blog and I’ll give you samples of Redken or Pureology products that will best suit your hair or skin type needs!

Moral of this blog…Don’t be a sucker to packaging propaganda! Just because it looks good, doesn’t mean it is! Don’t hop on the Awapuhi bandwagon…it’s not for everyone!!

Stay Gorgeous…I’m gonna go brush my hair out again 🙂





So, I am at my daughter’s dentist appointment and the Dental Hygienist who s cleaning her teeth is  raving about my hair (of course).  When she comes up for air and pauses, I toss in  real quickly that I’m a hairdresser…thus the awesome hair!  With the water-spritzer-thing still in my daughter’s mouth, the Hygienist goes “Ohhh, well, what do you think about my hair?”

A simple question that appears like a butterfly, but stings like a bee. A question that can stop traffic…

I air on the side of caution…does she really want to know what I think about her hair? Is she talking about the color of her hair that is WAY to cool for her skin tone? Is she talking about the cut that isn’t sassy enough for her cute figure? Is she talking about the breakage all around her crown from constantly flat ironing naked (no heat protection products used) hair over and over? Or does she need lessons on how to better flat iron the rest of that tress, because girlfriend missed some serious spots in the back!  As all of this is flying thru my mind and I’m about to give her my real opinion in the nicest delivery possible while handing her my VIP business card (for 20% off her first service with me) with a smile, she interjects yet again and says “I gave myself a Keratin smoothing treatment!”

And, my face now looks like someone just pinched me. HARD.

You gave yourself a Keratin smoothing treatment…I repeat back. Proudly, she nods her head. Now, I’m like a reporter trying to get the whole scoop and nothing but the scoop.

Me: Where did you get the product?

Her: Sally’s Beauty Supply…

Me: What’s the name of the product?

Her: I don’t know…

Me: Is it real Keratin or a Blow Out, or a Relaxer?

Her: I don’t know…

Me: How long does it claim  to last in your hair?

Her: I don’t know…

Me: Is your hair normally curly, frizzy or unmanageable?

Her: umm, no, not really…I just heard it was good for your hair and a lot of people have been doing it…ya know…

She proceeds to tell me that she read the directions, preformed the service, and when it came to “sealing” the product in, the directions said that you need a flat iron that is 450 degrees.  Her ConAir flat Iron doesn’t get up that high, she ESTIMATED that it probably got up to 250, maybe 300 degrees (huge difference there…but whatever) so after she flat ironed the product in with the ConAir, she had her NEIGHBOR come over and take a real iron (like for clothes and what not) and she put a DISH TOWEL over her hair on the IRONING BOARD and her neighbor ran the iron over her hair to ensure it got to the 450 degrees.

UMMMMMM, where oh WHERE do I begin??

#1, Am I being punked?  #2, is this for real?  #3, REALLY? REALLY lady??  #4, refer back to #1 and #2 while I gather my thoughts on how I’m going to handle this situation….

I felt I needed to school her on Keratin.  Keratin treatments are mainly used to strengthen, smooth and straighten hair. Keratin treatments were getting a bad rap for a while because they were found to have high levels of Formaldehyde in them. * This all depends on what type of Keratin is used.  **We use Copola Keratin, best product out there (and not because my salon uses it), research it, google it, read the reviews.  Keratin treatments should last up to 6 months depending on how fast your hair grows and it’s texture.  Some people it lasts up to 3 months.  A Keratin treatment will not rid your hair of natural curl, it will simply subtract out the frizz and bulk.  It will be easier to straighten your hair when you prefer and will cut down on the blow dying time considerably.  People LOVE Keratin treatments, but they should be done by a PROFESSIONAL who is CERTIFIED to do them.  They shouldn’t be done in your kitchen with poor ventilation.  They shouldn’t be sealed with a flat iron that you have no idea how hot it is or isn’t. And your neighbor who is also not a hair professional shouldn’t be helping you seal it in for round 2 with an every day iron that you just starched your husband’s shirt with this morning!!

Clearly that neighbor got a little gun shy when it came to ironing close to the her friends  root area in the back of her head…because that hair was all kinds of wavy back there.  She looked like she had bed head, not a Keratin treatment!!

I had to ask if this product came with special shampoo and conditioner to use to ensure the treatment stays.  The response was frightening…”No, it didn’t, but I use that new stuff that Suave came out with…it’s their line of smoothing stuff…” Dear Lord….that is for another day, and a whole other blog….

I said ”Good Luck” to the Dental Hygienist….said that I would see her in 6 months and maybe that treatment would still be in (or her hair would have fallen out by then). Handed her my card and some free samples (yup, always have them on hand) and said to come in sometime, I would LOVEEE the opportunity to do your hair!

Lesson of this entry: You wouldn’t remove your own wisdom teeth, would you?  No, you would seek the advice and knowledge of a professional.  Then, don’t perform chemical services on your own hair, especially when you know nothing about the product, why you need it (or think you need it) and how to properly do it!

Until next time…Stay Gorgeous!


